Ristović: Novi skandal ABA

Izvor: B92, 13.Mar.2013, 16:32   (ažurirano 02.Apr.2020.)

Ristović: Novi skandal ABA

Nakon što su različiti čelnici ABA lige tokom dana potvrđivali i demantovali da će Laktaši biti domaćin Fajnal fora, oglasila se i Crvena zvezda Telekom.

Direktor kluba Davor Ristović smatra da je to novi skandal čelnika lige, nakon nejasnoća u vezi sa plasmanom u Evroligu, a da će o svemu Crvena zvezda pričati tek nakon uvida u sporazum. Zvezda >> Pročitaj celu vest na sajtu B92 << je dala na uvid i navodni sporazum ABA i Evrolige.

"Očekujemo da se konačno razjasni sporazum između Evrolige i ABA lige i tek nakon toga, jer su ionako svi rokovi iz propozicija probijeni, napravi dogovor oko mesta odigravanja Fajnal fora ABA lige. Iz tog razloga još jednom zahtevamo od gospodina Lorbeka da svim klubovima dostavi potpisan i overen sporazum", rekao je Ristović.

U sredu je direktor lige Josip Bilić za B92 rekao da će se F4 igrati u Laktašima, nakon što je Bord lige prihvatio predlog Radovala Lorbeka, potom je to demantovao menadžer lige Roman Lisac, koji je zatim sam potvrdio pomenutu odluku, što je saopšteno i na zvaničnom sajtu ABA.

"Ovo je novi skandal rukovodilaca Lige, jer je neozbiljno da gospodin Bilić potvrđuje da su Laktaši mesto odigravanja Fajnal-fora, a da to demantuje gospodin Lisac. Čak i predsednik Igokee nije upoznat sa tim, a Radovan Lorbek koji je ovlašćen po propozicijama o svemu tome ćuti. Neodgovorno je i neozbiljno da neko na ovaj način određuje mesto Fajnal fora, a da pri tome gospodin Lorbek od 6. marta do danas nije obezbedio klubovima kopiju sporazuma između Evrolige i ABA lige. Očigledno Lorbeku nije jasno da su mu propozicije pale, a sad su mu još dodatno izgubile na validnosti, jer je probijen i rok za određivanje mesta odigravaja Fajnal fora koji je po propozicijama bio najkasnije 1. mart. Svaki dan pokušavam da ga dobijem po nekoliko puta međutim, bezuspešno. Ali, vidim da pojedini mediji imaju mnogo više uspeha i da on svojim komentarima sporazuma nastavlja da dezavuiše celu Ligu", rekao je Ristović i potom dodao:

"O mestu odigravanja Fajnal fora možemo da odlučujemo tek nakon uvida u sporazum i jasnog prevoda i tumačenja svega što je tamo dogovoreno, a ne na osnovu manipulacija koje Lorbek svakodnevno iznosi u javnost. U protivnom regularnost Lige će biti totalno srušena i onda bi bilo najbolje da Ligu nismo ni igrali nego da smo prepustili Lorbeku da kaže ko će da igra Evroligu što bi bila još jedna potvrda da ovo nije liga klubova nego privatna liga Lorbeka koji se stalno poziva na Bord ABA lige i nekakve njegove usmene konsultacije".

KKCZ: Da li je sporazum Evroliga - ABA autentičan?

U prilog razjašnjenja svih nesporazuma proisteklih iz tumačenja sporazuma Evroliga – ABA liga, Zvezda je stavila na uvid kopiju sporazuma do koga je KK Crvena zvezda Telekom došla nezvanično iz izvora bliskih ABA ligi. Iz kluba se pitaju da li je sporazum autentičan, imajući u vidu izjave gospodina Lorbeka koje su u suprotnosti sa sadržajem pomenute kopije sporazuma.

ECA-ABA League 2013-14 Euroleague Agreement 130301


The signers of this document hereby declare their accordance with the following:

1. Recognise the 2012-13 Euroleague Bylaws, in particular Euroleague Club Licensing Rules Article 1.m) and Article 8. Recognise that they were approved during the ECA Shareholders Meeting held on 5th July, 2012. During said meeting, other decisions were taken, in particular approving the 2013-14 Euroleague Country Ranking.

2. Recognise that the 2012-13 ABA Bylaws, in particular Article 5.7. contradict the 2012-13 Euroleague Bylaws. Recognise that they were approved unanimously during the ABA League General Assembly held on 11th September, 2012. The English Translation made by ABA of the minutes of said minute are attached as Appendix I.

3. Upon the basis of the above:

a) If at the end of the 2012-13 ABA Regular Season (26th Round) the team that is in the 1st position meets all of the B Licence Minimum Requirements according to the 2012-13 Euroleague Bylaws, applying the arena and city where they are registered to play the 2012-13 ABA League, ECA will recognise the 2012-13 ABA Final Standings as:

 Champion = Winner 2012-13 ABA Final Four

 Second Place = 1st Place 2012-13 ABA Regular Season (2nd Place 2012-13 ABA Regular Season in the case the same team is the Winner 2012-13 ABA Final Four)

 Third Place = 2nd Place 2012-13 ABA Regular Season (3rd Place 2012-13 ABA Regular Season in the case the same team is the Winner 2012-13 ABA Final Four)

b) If at the end of the 2012-13 ABA Regular Season (26th Round) the team that is in the 1st position does not meet all of the B Licence Minimum Requirements according to the 2012-13 Euroleague Bylaws, applying the arena and city where they are registered to play the 2012-13 ABA League, ECA will recognise the 2012-13 ABA Final Standings as:

 Champion = Winner 2012-13 ABA Final Four

 Second Place = Finalist 2012-13 ABA Final Four

 Third Place = Losing Semi-finalist 2012-13 ABA Final Four with the higher position in the 2012-13 ABA Regular Season

c) In the case that the three ABA League teams finishing as Champion, Second Place and Third Place are all from the same country, the Third Place will be assigned to the next team from a different country according to the 2012-13 ABA Final Standings.

d) All ABA League Clubs qualifying for the 2013-14 Euroleague must fulfil all minimum requirements according to the Euroleague Club Licensing Rules.

4. ABA League shall be solely responsible for, and shall indemnify on demand and hold harmless ECA and its officers, directors, shareholders, members, agents, affiliates and employees harmless from and against any and all losses, demands, claims, damages, costs and expenses (including reasonable legal costs and expenses and VAT thereon) and liabilities suffered or incurred, directly or indirectly, to the extent caused by or arising out of:

a) Any legal actions made by any of the ABA League clubs regarding the contradiction between 2012-13 Euroleague Bylaws and 2012-13 ABA Bylaws

b) Any breach by ABA League and/or any of the ABA League clubs of any provision of this Agreement

c) Any negligence or wilful default of ABA League, its officers, directors, agents, subcontractors or employees

5. ABA League commit to making modifications so that the 2013-14 ABA Bylaws do not include any contradictions with the 2013-14 Euroleague Bylaws, which will be approved in an ECA Shareholders Meeting to be held in July 2013.

6. This document constitutes a complete agreement applicable only for the 2013-14 Euroleague season and the validity is subject to the execution of all of the previous points mentioned above.

The Signers:

ABA Sidro d.o.o. Euroleague Commercial Assets S.A.

By: Mr. Radovan Lorbek By. Mr. Jordi Bertomeu
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Ristović: Novi skandal ABA

Izvor: OkRadio.rs, 13.Mar.2013

Nakon što su različiti čelnici ABA lige tokom dana potvrđivali i demantovali da će Laktaši biti domaćin Fajnal fora, oglasila se i Crvena zvezda Telekom. Direktor kluba Davor Ristović smatra da je to novi skandal čelnika lige, nakon nejasnoća u vezi sa plasmanom u Evroligu, a da će o svemu...

Nastavak na OkRadio.rs...

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