Serbian managers’ association denies tabloid reports

Izvor: N1 televizija, 01.Jun.2018, 16:11   (ažurirano 02.Apr.2020.)

Serbian managers’ association denies tabloid reports

The Serbian Association of Corporate Directors on Friday denied reports in the Tabloid press that US Ambassador Kyle Scott spoke insultingly about President Aleksandar Vucic at one of that organization’s events.

Several Belgrade tabloid dailies claimed that the ambassador “spent half an hour insulting” the president.

An Association press release said the ambassador did attend one in a series of regular meetings with diplomats and representatives of international >> Pročitaj celu vest na sajtu N1 televizija << financial organizations with no media present.

“The focus was on reforms, primarily legal and tax reforms, as well as reforms in the state administration and public sector and in regulation relations with neighbouring countries. The ambassador and other speakers made no mention of the Serbian President and his activities,” the Association said.

The US Ambassador did speak about the position of the West on Serbia’s integration into the European Union, making several proposals on ways to speed up the process, the press release said.

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