Dustmen found a thrown mattress and a load of money in it. And then they did something incredible

Izvor: Telegraf.rs, 06.Apr.2017, 12:41   (ažurirano 02.Apr.2020.)

Dustmen found a thrown mattress and a load of money in it. And then they did something incredible

The workers of the city landfill "Obodina" and Dog Shelter, which is located within the landfill near Trebinje, found a mattress thrown which contained a bag full of money. They do not know exactly how much money in euros was in the bag, and when they returned the money, the owners offered 150 euro reward to the workers.

However, they refused to take the reward. Owners say that it is little considering how much money has been returned.

- I do not want to reveal the identity >> Pročitaj celu vest na sajtu Telegraf.rs << of the owner, because they could have some unpleasantness. Perhaps someone has thought about robbing them, to be honest, we didn't count, we just found the money hidden in the thrown mattress. Considering i knew where the owners lived that threw it away by accident, we returned everything - said one of the owners of Trebinje shelter Igor Savic.

Employees at the landfill "Obodina" said the owner of the old mattress came to the dump looking for something, but they felt embarrassed to ask if she needs anything, and at the end, she turned to the administration for help, and they further contacted the drivers who drove the dump to the landfill, asking them if they threw blue mattress with flowers on it, reports N1.

Her husband has reportedly moved their joined savings into the mattress without her knowledge, and wife threw away the old pillow, not knowing it contains money.

- Colleagues that drive that robust waste drove that mattress, but luckily they didn't set it on fire, so they found it with the bag of money, and i knew where they live by chance so the money was returned to the owners - said Savic.

The story circles around Trebinje that the bag contained 15.000 euros, but no one except owners knows for sure.


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