Dr Srđa Trifković: Irci rešili srpsku dilemu

Izvor: Glas javnosti, 02.Jul.2008, 09:37   (ažurirano 02.Apr.2020.)

Dr Srđa Trifković: Irci rešili srpsku dilemu

Poraz Lisabonskog ugovora na referendumu u Republici Irskoj u petak, 13. juna, ukazuje na neosnovanost praznovernih predrasuda prema tom danu i datumu. „Petak, trinaesti“ ovog proleća je pokazao da čak i u 21. veku jedan mali, ali samosvestan i stari evropski narod, još ima nekog udela u odlučivanju o svojoj sudbini. Ishod tog referenduma zadao je težak, premda ne i fatalan udarac ambicijama birokratskog aparata Evropske unije o preuređenju Starog kontinenta.

Evroelita već godinama >> Pročitaj celu vest na sajtu Glas javnosti << teži sve većoj transnacionalnoj centralizaciji odlučivanja, van i mimo političkih institucija i ustavno-pravnih mehanizama zemalja-članica. Posle Mastrihta (decembar 1991), kojim je Zajednica pretvorena u Uniju, najvažniji korak u tom pravcu bio je Ugovor iz Nice, usaglašen decembra 2000, koji je stupio na snagu 1. februara 2003. godine. Nica je donela paket privremenih mera koje su bile namenjene pripremi EU za očekivani prijem niza novih članica. Po prvi put uvedeno je preglasavanje u proces donošenja odluka u Savetu EU - de fakto vladi Unije - u kome su do tada sve bitne odluke bile donošene jednoglasno.

Poraz ustrojstva EU

Ustrojstvo EU trebalo je da trajno bude rešeno tzv. Evropskim ustavom. Ovaj radikalni dokument, poražen na referendumima u Francuskoj i Holandiji 2005, trebalo je da zameni sporazum iz Nice, da ga bitno proširi i učini trajnim. Posle referenduma u Francuskoj i Holandiji, međutim, pobornici evropske superdržave i Ustava EU nisu ni za trenutak oklevali. Cilj im je ostao isti, samo je trebalo menjati metode i primeniti „plan B“ koji se zasnivao na dva principa:

Da se treba uzdržati od retorike koja običnom Evropljaninu odveć jasno ukazuje na suštinu reformi, čiji je cilj stvaranje unitarne političke strukture; stoga je odbačen termin „Evropski ustav“, iako „Ugovor“ koji ga je zamenio ima istu pravnu, političku, kulturnu i socijalnu suštinu.

Da se treba kloniti verifikacije evroreformi putem referenduma, jer su im se evropski birači pokazali nesklonim, već da usvajanje Ugovora treba sprovoditi kroz nacionalne parlamente u kojima su pobornici jače integracije EU daleko dominantniji nego u biračkom telu u celini.

Lisabonski ugovor je, da ponovimo, evroustav u manje ambicioznom ruhu. I po njemu, EU bi imala (neizabranog) predsednika i ministra inostranih poslova. Takođe, zakonodavna tela u zemljama-članicama postala bi još manje relevantna, sudstvo još podložnije krajnjoj instanci u Luksemburgu, poreska politika još jednoobraznija, a ideološke norme političke korektnosti (legalizacija tzv. brakova homoseksualaca, na primer) još nametljivije. Vodeću ulogu u pripremi „plana B“ preuzela je Angela Merkel. Kao kancelar Nemačke, zemlje koja teži centralizaciji EU da bi tako sebi obezbedila još više uticaja, Merkelova je spremila scenario po kome bi težnje briselskih birokrata i njihovih saveznika u zemljama-članicama bile progurane na mala vrata u vidu prepakovanog Ustava EU pod drugim imenom.

Po istom šablonu, pobornici reforme EU već rade na pokušajima neutralizacije irskog referenduma, premda je za stupanje na snagu Lisabonskog ugovora jasno predviđeno njegovo usvajanje u svim zemljama članicama. Nikola Sarkozi, predsednik Francuske, koja 1. jula preuzima predsedavanje EU od Slovenije, smatra da proces ratifikacije treba nastaviti bez obzira na ishod irskog glasanja. Nemačka je, naravno, saglasna sa tim njegovim stavom i nada se da ako 26 zemalja ratifikuje Lisabon, Irska neće imati izbora već da prihvati neki smokvin list za njegovo usvajanje nezavisno od ishoda referenduma.

Pobeda zdravog razuma i slobode

Taj ishod, međutim, bitno će otežati usvajanje lisabonskog paketa u nekim od zemalja-članica gde ratifikacija tek predstoji, a pre svega u Velikoj Britaniji, Italiji, Švedskoj i Češkoj. Češki predsednik Vaclav Klaus, poznati evroskeptik, već je pozdravio odluku irskih glasača kao „pobedu zdravog razuma i slobode“ nad „projektom briselske elite i birokratije“, dok je predstavnik britanskih konzervativaca za inostrane poslove Vilijam Hejg rekao da „projekat centralizacije“ treba jednom za svagda odbaciti. Ovog puta teško je zamisliti da bi neki novi „plan B“ mogao da bude proguran mimo volje miliona njihovih istomišljenika i nezavisno od prethodno usaglašenih pravila igre. Čak je i predsednik Evropske komisije Manuel Baroso, veliki pobornik dalje integracije, priznao da „plan B“ ne postoji.

Za Srbiju bitna posledica sloma Lisabonskog ugovora jeste okončanje daljeg širenja EU, ili u najmanju ruku dugoročno zamrzavanje prijema novih kandidata nakon što još eventualno Hrvatska bude primljena iduće godine. Premda Oli Ren u javnim nastupima i dalje pokušava da stvori utisak da krah Lisabona neće uticati na dalje širenje EU, bivši francuski ministar za evropska pitanja Pjer Moskovis - daleko pouzdaniji izvor - ističe da je sada opet na snazi ugovor iz Nice, koji je skrojen za najviše 28 članica. Posle ulaska Hrvatske, po njegovim rečima, neće biti nikakvog širenja EU za najmanje 15 do 20 godina.

Nesklonost ka daljem širenju bila je snažno prisutna u starom jezgru EU (12 prvobitnih članica predmastrihtske Evropske zajednice) i pre irskog referenduma. Sada, pak, protivnici prijema Srbije, Bosne i Hercegovine ili Makedonije - da o Turskoj ne govorimo! - imaju i formalno-pravne adute koje retorika g. Rena neće moći da izmeni. Ovo je nova strateška realnost, činjenica koju srpska politička elita treba da spozna i da na osnovu te spoznaje izvede odgovarajuće zaključke.

U prelomnim trenucima za srpsku državu i naciju bilo bi krajnje neodgovorno da se nastavi produbljivanje ideoloških i političkih podela po pitanju „Evrope“, premda je ta opcija sa ishodom irskog referenduma prestala da bude ostvariva za dugi niz godina. Ona će možda opet postati realna u nekom novom briselskom okviru, za deceniju ili dve. Takav ishod, ako se uopšte desi, desiće se nezavisno od toga šta Srbija kaže ili učini.

E hvala bogu ne treba više da se dvoumimo oko EU ili ne.

I ovako i onako mi nema šta da tražimo u EU dok ne ojačamo i dok se ne stabilizujemo. Za 15 do 20 godina daće bog da budemo jači, pa posle možemo u EU. Naravno samo u slučaju da se ne zarati ponovo na našem području...

isto to (Evropski ustav) su odbili Francuzi i Holandjani ali su njihove vlade prevarile svoje gradjane!


Da li ste vi svesni da "ulazak i EU" ustvari znaci predavanje zemlje vode zakona politike i ljudi na upravljanje strancima koji ustvari samo hoce ZEMLJU i VODU, plodnu zemlju i opranice, a za ostalo

ih boli briga. Ljude ce zapusiti sarenim bombonama i raseliti po rental stanovima evrope

a ZEMLJU ce vam oteti i tu se naseliti !

VI magarci i glasa bi trebalo malo da citate zbivanja u svetu o obavestite Srbe pod hitno da GLAD DOLAZI !

da pocnu o tome da razmisljaju. Cena sirove nafte polako ubija globalizaciju i prestanite da cekate Danske krompire ebali vas oni !

Cene goriva nece mnogo da nas pogode jer je SLOBA kompletirao elektrifikaciju srpskih pruga !!!

Treba spreciti Tadiga da skida zice sa tih pruga i prodaje ih napolje kao sorinu za svoje korupcije...

>>Ljude ce zapusiti sarenim bombonama i raseliti po rental stanovima evrope

a ZEMLJU ce vam oteti i tu se naseliti ! <<<

Na zalost, to naivni Srbi ne kapiraju. Bez svojih ruda, zemlje, vode i vazduha nema buducnosti. Pogledajte samo koga su nam postavili kao premijera i sve ce vam biti jasno. Niko se ne pita zasto su nam za premijera postavili obicnog cinovnika Svetetske Banke i Medjunarodnog monetarnog fonda. Tako se to radi po africkim kolonijama.

Dobro si opisao onaj narod u Srbiji.. "BUDALE". Kratko i jasno.

Ima covek rezon . i to zdrav.

bravo za ispravno razmišljanje cz99...


MSN Money: It's Become Clear the Financial System Itself is in Dire Straits

There is a budding realization that the housing bubble's collapse will be

more difficult than the masses and Wall Street had believed. You could see

this last week as the market moved back toward the lowest levels since

the collapse began last fall. It's now obvious that this is a problem not only

for the consumer but for the financial system itself, which is in dire straits

as it tries to deleverage, thereby compounding the problem.

L.A. City Beat: Economy is Built on a House of Credit Cards Near Collapse

Combined with the subprime losses, such a credit card nightmare has the

potential, experts say, of bringing down the entire financial system and

global economy. You and your credit card have become key players in the

highly unstable financial crunch. The coupling of home equity debt and

credit card debt has gone hand in glove for years. The homeowners at risk

can no longer use their homes as ATM machines, thanks to their prior re

-financings and equity loans, often used in the past to pay off their credit

cards. Indeed, homeowners cashed out $1.2 trillion from their home equity

from 2002 to 2007 to pay down credit card debts and to cover other costs

of living, according to the public policy research organization Demos. To

compound the problem, fewer people are paying their credit card bills on

time. And, to flip the old paradigm, more are using high-interest credit card

cash to pay part of their mortgages instead of the other way around.

Reuters: Credit Crisis to Clampdown in Bank Lending, Consumer Spending

U.S. consumer spending is likely to suffer because of growing angst over

household debt, rising unemployment and a clampdown on bank lending, a

heavyweight financial report has predicted. In some parts of the United

States, houses have halved in value over the last two years as the

property bubble has popped and mortgage defaults surge. "As housing

prices fall and credit conditions tighten, (more) such loans are likely to

default because borrowers have few alternative financial resources . . ."

Globe and Mail: Are Today's Suburbs Set to Turn into Tomorrow's Slums?

According to some doomsday scenarios, spiking gas prices could turn the

cul-de-sacs and two-car garages that surround North America's cities -

built over the past 60 years and designed for the convenience of people

with cars - into tomorrow's slums. The predictions for the most part come

from subscribers to the theory of "peak oil," which holds that crude prices

will shoot permanently upward as global demand outstrips dwindling supply,

ruining the economy. But their predictions are getting a second look now,

as suburbanites grumble at the rising price of a fill-up . . .

Business Week: Government Services Next Victim of the Financial Crash

Arizona topped the BusinessWeek.com list of the 10 states that took the

biggest tax revenue hits . . . Arizona's tax revenue dropped 13.6% in the

quarter ending March compared with the same period last year. Many of

the states with the worst housing markets, including Florida, Nevada,

Rhode Island, and California, also topped the revenue shortfall list.

MSN Money: Lenders Have Unleashed a Bankruptcy "Monster"

Consumer bankruptcy filings are on track to exceed 1 million this year,

laying waste to the idea that bankruptcy reform changed anything

fundamental about how Americans go broke. Furthermore, lenders, not

consumers, are the ones that seem to be abusing the system these days.

Financial Week: Global Slowdown Could Sink Many Companies

Big U.S. multinationals riding high on revenue from overseas operations

may find that wave is about to break. For the past year, the stock market

has rewarded those companies that have been able to offset subpar U.S.

performance with stellar overseas profits. But recently, that has not been

enough to keep investors happy. With Europe slowing sharply, an economic

slowdown in emerging markets and inflation rearing its head across the

world economy, continued strong global demand is anything but certain.

Financial Week: GM, Ford Shares Fall on Fears SUV Sales Will Tank

Shares of General Motors tumbled to a 54-year low while smaller rival Ford

Motor Co shares fell as much as 10% on Monday on concerns record oil

prices would further hit U.S. demand for vehicles.

UK Guardian: Factories Hit by Soaring Commodity Prices

Soaring commodity costs are denting manufacturing activity in Asia and

Europe and the outlook looks bleak as new orders drop off in the face of

rising prices, surveys showed on Tuesday. Manufacturing activity in the

euro zone contracted in June for the first time in three years while

business confidence in Asia's largest export markets is buckling . . .

USA Today: Economic Downturn Spurns Spree of Manhole-Cover Theft

Cities and counties are battling manhole-cover thefts, a crime spree that

police tie to the weak economy. Hundreds of 200-pound covers have

disappeared in three months in California, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Georgia,

and Massachusetts as scrap metal prices pop up. "It's a sign of the times,"

says Sgt. Jay Baker of the Cherokee County Sheriff's Office in Georgia . . .

St. Louis Dispatch: Soaring Metals Prices Lead to Wave of Grave Robbing

Rising scrap metal prices, coupled with the lagging economy, have

triggered a string of cemetery thefts both locally and across the nation. "I

can’t think of anything lower," said David Evans, general manager for

Valhalla Gardens of Memory in Belleville. “Nothing’s worse than stealing

from the dead." Through the decades, such nefarious acts became

uncommon. But now, grave robbery is quietly sweeping the nation. Again.

James Howard Kunstler: "The chance of mitigating this is about zero"

What's happening is that American society is moving into a greater

depression than the one Grandma lived through. On the technical side,

there has been unending controversy as to whether we're gripped by

inflation or deflation. Food and gasoline prices are rising faster than the

rivers of Iowa. But the prices of assets, like houses, stocks, GMC Yukons

are cratering as America turns into Yard Sale Nation.

Grist Interview with James Howard Kunstler

It became apparent to me fairly early on that my characters would not all

be riding bicycles as in some kind of ecotopia, because they would have

trouble getting the materials necessary to make them. I also realized in

the first chapters that the fact that the pavement was so broken up on

the roads would have a big effect on how people did things and moved

around on the landscape. As far as characters, I'd originally thought that

the evangelicals would be the bad guys, but they behaved rather valiantly.

Deep Capture: Did a CNBC Reporter Help Destroy Bear Stearns?

Let’s pick up "The Story of Deep Capture" where it left off – with the

demise of Bear Stearns and the near collapse of the American financial

system. It’s April 2, 2008, and CNBC reporter Charlie Gasparino has just

reported that Lehman Brothers CEO Richard Fuld claims to have evidence

that short-sellers, who profit from falling stock prices, actively colluded to

bring down Bear Stearns. Indeed, the SEC is already investigating precisely

this possibility. The regulator has said that it would like to know whether

short-sellers circulated false rumors about Bear's liquidity and credit risk

North Bay Bohemian Special on the Shadow Economy: How Prime Brokers Paved the Way for the Biggest Bank Heist in History

Editor's Note: This is the third part of a three-part special on the shadow economy published by my local alternative, The Bohemian. It's some of the absolute, bar-none, best investigative financial reporting I've seen in years. You can watch a video interview with the author here. You can read the first two parts by clicking: Bank Heist Expose Part I or Bank Heist Expose Part II

Like actors in a Werner Herzog movie, the prime brokers inhabit a strange

new world, one as big as the traditional banking system or bigger, but

where there are no federally insured deposits and where shadow banks

neither have nor want--or even need--access to short-term borrowing

from the Fed or any other central bank during times of crisis. It's a world

where no risk is too great, where collateral isn't necessary, where there

are no capital requirements and where counterparties are never identified.

Shadow banks are beyond the reach of law, are almost always found

offshore and redefine the term "international crime organization." Indeed,

because shadow banks always make money, they would even profit from

the collapse of the financial system. They might even cause it to happen.

Charles Hugh Smith: Should We Just Let the Banks Collapse?

Today's target: the notion that the collapse of the insolvent U.S. banking

system would be so terrible. Really? Terrible for who? Certainly not the

nation at large. In fact the dissolution of the insolvent parts of the U.S.

banking sector--yes, the investment banks, the money-center banks, the

regional banks, and the savings and loans--would actually be an enormously

positive development for the nation and indeed the world. Let's start with

the fact that a huge number of these lenders are insolvent. If all their bad

loans, bad derivative bets and off-balance sheet losses were forced to be

marked to market/liquidated to raise capital, then major bank after major

bank would fold/enter bankruptcy. And what exactly would be so bad about

that? Businesses go under all the time. The truth is these banks will never

recover the loans they wrote, so why try to prop them up with taxpayer

funds? To bail out the ultra-wealthy owners of those banks, of course.

Financial Week: Banking Industry May be in for Nightmare Court Ruling

A lawsuit filed by a Wisconsin couple against their mortgage lender could

have major implications for banks should a U.S. appeals court agree that

borrowers can cancel their loans en masse when their lenders violate a

federal lending disclosure law. The case began like hundreds of others filed

since the U.S. housing boom spawned a rise in sales of adjustable rate

loans. The judge transformed the case from a run-of-the-mill class action

to a potential nightmare for the U.S. banking industry by also finding that

the borrowers could force the bank to cancel, or rescind, their loans.

The Oregonian: The Country's Roads and Sewers are Falling Apart

Remember that bridge that collapsed in Minneapolis last summer? More

than one-quarter of U.S. bridges -- including one-quarter of Oregon's -- are

structurally deficient or functionally obsolete. We need to spend $250 billion

to fix our aging water pipes. And our telecommunications system is far

slower than the rest of the world's lightning-fast broadband. "We're

basically sliding toward Third World status," said Rep. Peter DeFazio, D-Ore.

Globe and Mail: Infrastructure Crisis will be Survival of the Fastest

We are facing an infrastructure crisis. In North America and Europe the

bones, muscles and nerves that keep us in motion are not keeping up with

the demands we place on them. The infrastructure crisis is a mega-trend -

one that will sweep all of us along in its path. You can either be carried

along in its path or take decisive actions for your benefit.

US News: A National Water Infrastructure Crisis is Close to Bursting

Editor's Note: article from 2007, relinked in light of today's article from The Oregonian and the Globe and Mail on the country's collapsing infrastructure:

The American Water Works Association, the trade group for the nation's

drinking water utilities, estimates that there are 250,000 to 300,000 main

breaks per year, and the numbers are increasing as the infrastructure

ages. United Water – one of a handful of private companies running U.S.

water systems – is a good example; serving 7 million people in 20 states, it

still operates the same pipe network that it laid in 1869 . . .

CS Monitor: Floods Leave the Midwest with Thousands of Toxic Basements

The oil, gasoline, fertilizers, and herbicides swept away by floodwaters in

June pose an environmental challenge to the rain-soaked Midwest. But

some of the most serious pollution problems may not lie outdoors. Instead,

they could well lurk indoors in water-logged basements and first floors of

homes and businesses, where everything from cleaning agents to toxic

metals accumulate in silt and mold. The metals, it turns out, cling to the

fine silt particles that enter a home as floodwaters seep in through chinks

and cracks. The silt then settles out in layers only a few millimeters deep.

NY Times: Nations Have Begun Hoarding Food, Sending Prices Soaring

At least 29 countries have sharply curbed food exports in recent months,

to ensure that their own people have enough to eat, at affordable prices.

"People are in a panic, so they are buying more and more — at least, those

who have money are buying,” said Conching Vasquez, a 56-year-old rice

vendor who sat one recent morning among piles of rice at her large stall in

Los Baños, in the Philippines, the world's largest rice importer. Her

customers buy 8,000 pounds of rice a day, up from 5,500 pounds last year.

L.A. Times: Soaring Oil Prices to Produce "Inflation Fueled Chaos"

Three months ago, when oil was around $108 a barrel, a few Wall Street

analysts began predicting that it could rise to $200. Many observers

scoffed at the forecasts as sensational. But with oil closing above $140 a

barrel Friday, more experts are taking those predictions seriously and

shuddering at the inflation-fueled chaos that $200 a oil could bring.

New Scientist: Fuel Riots in Europe Serve as America's Final Warning

Howls protest have been echoing round the globe as the price of oil

punches through record highs with every passing week. In the UK, last

month, hundreds of truckers descended on London to demand that planned

fuel tax rises be scrapped. In continental Europe, where police clashed

violently with truckers, two people died during the protests. Fishermen and

farmers blockaded ports and depots in protest against the rocketing cost

of diesel. Similar scenes played out across South America and Asia.

Wall Street Journal: Bartlett, Hirsch, others Issue Cries in the Dark

With oil soaring above $130 a barrel and fears spreading of a long-term

supply crunch, a new cadre of energy Cassandras in Washington argues

that America faces deep and potentially wrenching challenges that no

amount of gas-tax holidays or rhetorical attacks on speculators and big oil

producers will help fix. From the Pentagon to Capitol Hill, some often lonely

voices are warning of big shocks to come if the U.S. doesn't wake up. Not

all of them point to the same core problem, however. But they all agree

the main challenge is to overcome complacency without triggering panic.

London Times: Former Adviser to President Bush Says Oil Supply Could Contract by Over 50% by 2015

The era of globalisation is over and rocketing energy prices mean the world

is poised for the re-emergence of regional economies based on locally

produced goods and services, according to a former energy adviser to

President Bush and the pioneer of the "peak oil" theory. Matt Simmons,

chief executive of Simmons & Company, a Houston energy consultancy,

said that global oil production had peaked in 2005 and was set for a steep

decline from present levels of about 85 million barrels per day. "By 2015, I

think we would be lucky to be producing 60 million barrels and we should

worry about producing only 40 million," he told The London Times.

Globe and Mail: Few North Americans Truly Understand Importance of Oil

Oil has fantastic powers: Like the genie from One Thousand and One

Nights, it can grant impossible political wishes both fair and foul. This is

why the late Venezuelan writer Jose Ignacio Cabrujas, in a moment of

subversion, wrote that oil can create "a culture of miracles" that erases

memory. A barrel of oil, as analyst Dave Hughes often reminds me, equals

8.6 years of human labour. Think about that. "A human life span could

produce about three barrels of oil-equivalent energy," he adds.

Alternet: Why the Media is Framing the Energy Crisis as "Speculation"

Pairing the words oil and speculation ubiquitously and uncritically, the usual

cable news talking heads faithfully disseminated the meme to the masses.

The notion of speculation as the principle cause of recent price spikes also

found a defender from among those who also believe that oil comes from a

magic oil fairy that lives at the center of the Earth and abiotically refills oil

reservoirs as they deplete (making the 60 percent speculation quotient

easier to estimate presumably?). So what is an American to make of this?

London Telegraph: Installation of Wind Power Won't Prevent Blackouts

Editor's Note: a reminder for those who are new to these issues as there are lot of new readers lately. Utility scale turbines are huge and take a lot of time to get up and running once switched on. So in order to have the power ready when the wind stops blowing, they have to be kept running pretty close to capacity (75% or so) at all times. If you don't do these, then the power goes out and stays out the moment there is not enough wind or sun to meet demand. So, as counter-intuitive as it may seem at first, installing utility-scale wind and solar projects does not allow you just to stop using coal or natural gas generated electricity unless you're willing to accept rolling -and lengthy -blackouts throughout the day.

According to this report, the above-described problem is particularly acute in Britain as the times of peak power demand occur at exactly the same times wind power is least available:

Using wind data from the Met Office, researchers found that in January,

when energy demand is highest, wind farms often fail to produce enough

electricity, dropping on occasion to 4 per cent of their maximum output.

Backup fossil fuel plants would need to be switched on and off to make up

the shortfall in supplies - a highly inefficient process that would reduce any

carbon savings from wind farms. The report says: "Wind output in Britain

can be very low at the moment of maximum annual UK demand."

Marginal Revolution: With Oil at $140, Can You Still Love Julian Simon?

Editor's Note: Julian Simon was actually severely mentally ill. In a 1993 book he wrote on his battle with depression he admitted that his work on economics explaining why we should be optimistic about the future helped him overcome his depression. In other words, his economic "theories" about endless resource consumption and the rationalization of those theories sprung directly from his mental illness.


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Crimes, Conspiracies, and Conflict:

San Francisco Chronicle: Federal Officials Prepare for the Unthinkable

It is a grim, almost unthinkable scenario: a 10-kiloton nuclear weapon,

smuggled into the United States, is detonated in a major U.S. city, perhaps

even the Bay Area. Top federal officials and medical experts gathered in

on Thursday to consider this nightmare vision. Their conclusion: Cities and

states are frightfully ill-prepared for dealing with a nuclear attack . . .

The New Yorker: Pentagon Steps Up Its Secret Moves Against Iran

Admiral Fallon, who is known as Fox, was aware that he would face special

difficulties as the first Navy officer to lead CENTCOM, which had always

been headed by a ground commander, one of his military colleagues told

me. He was also aware that the Special Operations community would be a

concern. "Fox said that there’s a lot of strange stuff going on in Special

Ops, and I told him he had to figure out what they were really doing,"

The Pentagon consultant said, "Fallon went down because he was trying to

prevent a war with Iran, and you have to admire him for that."

Khaleej Times: U.S. Says It Won't Allow Iran to Shut Down Gulf Oil Route

The commander of the US navy’s Fifth Fleet warned on Monday that the

United States will not allow Iran to shut the Strait of Hormuz, a key oil

supply route in the Gulf. "They will not close it. They will not be allowed to

close it," Vice-Admiral Kevin J. Cosgriff said at a press conference . . .

Washington Post: Iraq Opens Bidding on Oil Fields to Western MNCs

The invitation marked another step toward giving Western companies a

significant role in Iraq's oil industry, which the Baathist government

nationalized in 1972. But the opening is likely to cause controversy in a

nation wary of Western influence over its largest source of wealth and

among foreign critics who say the Bush administration wanted to depose

Saddam Hussein to gain greater access to Iraqi oil.

Brate .... prevedi nam ovo ima nas mnogo koji neznaju

ovaj jezik (Engleski).... ako možeš unapred zahvalan.

Uz postojanje NATO pakta, Evropska unija moze da bude samo njegova produzena, politicka ruka, dakle, u krajnjoj liniji, ona je ostavrivanje Hitlerovih planova naizgled demokratskim metodama.

Meni se cini da postoji tu jos jedan momenta, koji gadja u istom pravcu:

gospodari sveta zele da stvore svoju rezervnu drzavu, rezervnog "monstruma" koji bi ih udomio ukoliko sadanji, vladajuci "monstrum", izdahne od neke teske bolesti.

Jedini narod koji se izjasnio da li je za Lisabonski sporazum rekao je da je protiv. Sta bi tek bilo da su i ostale "demokratske" clanice provele referendum a ne doneli odluku da usvoje. Podseca me na nasu politiku, vecina hoce EU iako brojevi na izborima govore drugacije. Bas ce biti zanimljivo, Nemac postaje predsednik Srbije, a premijer verovatno iz Francuske. Doduse vec jesu, samo hoce to da legalizuju.

Sad je jos gore. Premijer Srbije je sluzbenik Svetske Banke i Medjunarodnog monetarnog fonda.

ne postoji ni jedan jedini Evropljanin koji je za tu "Evropu". Vecina vlada u Evropi su korumpirane, kao i ta Srpska. Pogletajte samo Kusnera, Sarkozija,.. Pa oni i nisu Francuzi.

Ako ne vazi Lisaboski sporazum onda vazi onaj iz Nice, dakle nema nikakvog osnova da bilo koja drzava, pa ni Hrvatska, postane deo unije. Ja verujem da ce vecina zemalja EU koje podrzavaju prosirenje naci resenje za novonastalu krizu. Ono sto je pozotivno je to, da one drzave koje su stvorile EU pozdravaju prosirenje, dakle, ja zaista ne verujem da ce sudbinu unije prepustiti drzavama poput Irske ili Poljske. Srbija, kao sto sam sto puta vec ponovio, treba da radi reforme, da iskoreni korupciju i monopole, ne zbog EU vec zbog same sebe. Ako je Srbija zemlja u kojoj vlada red i zakon, onda ce i pitanje ulaska u EU biti vise stvar opredeljenja a ne nuzde.

ALO...ko hoće pod naopaki krst nek ide...pogledajte krst njihove vojske pred zgradom u Briselu (NATO)....

konačno se uzite upamet ..... Uđemo li u Evropu bićemo istrebljeni....zar ne vidite da Evropa ne postoji osim njihovih interesnih vlada ogrezli u kriminal......zar i dalje verujete u genocidne tvorevine i one ko ih stvori....ALO OPAMETITE SE KONAČNO....

Svaka cast CZ99 za postavljanje clanaka u kojima se govori o predstojecem kolapsu. Mediji u Srbiji uopste ne prenose sta se desava diljem svijeta. Nisu bas ni zapadni mediji mnogo bolji u tome ali ipak dopre po neka informacija. A nama koji zivimo u Sjevernoj Americi ne treba niko to da napise u novinama da vidimo sta se desava. Ja zivim u Kanadi vec 12 godina i u Kanadi se sprema velika kriza ne samo kao posljedica kolapsa u Americi nego kao posljedica NAFTA sporazuma. Od kako je taj sporazum potpisan i stavljen na djelo kanadska industrija se polako ali sigurno seli izvan Kanade. Ne ide cak ni u US nego u Kinu, Indiju, Meksiko. Zauzvrat Kanada dobija takozvanu jeftinu robu iz Kine. Ali to u stvari nije istina. Cijena odjece se nije u mnogome promijenila od kako sam ja dosla u Kanadu. Ako hocete nesto kvalitetno da kupite opet morate to platiti vise nego sto je u Walmartu. A i na kraju krajeva koga briga ako je odjeca 20% jeftinija. Primjera radi u ono malo fabrika sto je ostalo otpustaju se radnici koji rade po 10 godina jer su dostigli neku bolju platu pa se onda primaju radnici za maltene minimum koji je propisan od svake provincije. A ta bolja plata recimo od 20$ na sat je sada nedovoljna da se priusti recimo da se kupi kuca jer su sada kuce i stanovi toliko poskupili da se narod pretvara u velike duznike. Primjera radi plac za kucu su moji roditelji prije 5 godina platili $35 000. Takav plac ako ne i manji, 200 metara od kuce mojih roditelja kosta $147 000 danas. A plata mog oca je ista a majka je dobila sa $9 na sat da ima $11.50 na sat danas. Moj muz i ja treba da dobijemo bebu uskoro i razmisljamo da kupimo plac za kucu ali kako stvari stoje to je izgleda jedino sto cemo moci i priustiti jer su moji roditelji kupili citavu kucu za $160 000 a mi cemo izgleda morati da platimo 3 puta vise. A to naravno ne mozemo priustiti jer cemo se pretvoriti u klasicne robove tj. moracemo jesti makarone da bi kucu placali. I jos da dodam da Kanada ima trenutno najmanju nezaposlenost. Ta se informacije stalno vrti po novinama i sredstvima informisanja. Ali sta vrijedi kada vecina ljudi radi za iste pare za koje je radila prije 10 godina a sve ostalo je poskupilo I jos da dodam da se krediti za kuce i stanove sada daju na 40 godina. Praksa je bila prije da se ljudi zaduze na 25 godina da bi do penzije mogli da isplate tu kucu. Izgleda da ce i ovdje zavladati praksa da mladi bracni parovi pocnu da zive s roditeljima jer drukcije nece moci. Pa sada vidite sta politicari nude u Srbiji sto se narodu u Kanadi pruza da iskusi vec desetak godina. Spiralni sunovrat na dole.

Grazia, ja kad sam dosao u Kanadu pre oko 18 godina, minimalna satnica je bila oko 6.25 dolara na sat a sada je negde oko 8 dolara dolara na sat, dok su troskovi zivota porasli bar pet puta. Pre, udjes u prodavnicu i za 100 dolara kupis hrane za dve nedelje, a sada, za 100 dolara cetvoroclana pordica ima dovoljno samo za dva dana. Ja ocekujem tesko sranje. Nece ovo dobro da se zavrsi, nece.

koga briga kako cete ti i tvoj crnac da zivite u kanadi, tekst je o evropskoj uniji.

koliko ljudi u srbiji moze da kupi kucu ili ima $60 na sat? da li treba da te zalimo?

ali velika recesija, veca od americke, kuca na

vrata irske, spanije, engleske a vec je u danskoj.

sta tada? kako vratiti nemcima pare?od cega, kada je

sve potroseno na kuce, kola i letovanje? hoce

narod da uziva, a ne da radi i svojim radom

finansira SVOJU decu.

Srbija je imala, nazalost vjerovatno po zadnji put, da izabere "nacionalnu vladu",....nevidim nista lose u ideji da se sa EU bude partner, trgovina i sve drugo ali ako nas priznaju kao clana.........bezuslovna prodaja svega sto imamo neznam cemu vodi...............

Oduvjek su pretenzije bile na nase prostore a to se i vidi iz okruzenja Crna G je prodata, Hrv...isto, imaju dobre puteve ali i putarinu od 300 eura od tacke A do tacke B....primorje vise i nemaju...................

Samo slijepac nevidi veliki broj banaka i nudjenja kredita......najbolji nacin da se privatna svojina stavi pod kontrolu.....uskoro cete imati imanja sa ovim natpisom "For Sale"......................

Ali narod je toliko otrovan i zaludjen da mu je najveci neprijateljh u zivotu neko iz neke politicke partije koji brani "svoje K......"..............

Neznam ko je ovde rekao da gradjani Evropske Unije i te kako znaju da je ta UNIJA propast, prevara, i da su dosta njieni tehnokrati u stvari korumpirani. Svi mi znamo to, ja sam jedan od onih Francuza, koji su glasali protiv "ustav" na referendum 2005, na kraju nas je onaj mali Napoleon dobro prevario jel u skupstini su ipak potpisali taj sraman ustav zvani "mini ugovor'. Svi mi znamo da takva Unija koja lici sto vise i vise na SOVJETSKI SAVEZ, sa evropsku skupstinu bez moci, i sa polit biro u Brisel, ta unija nadamo se da ce propast kad tad i da se stvori UNIJA bazirana na druge principe. Posle propast iluzije i naivne utopije jugoslovenstvo, nadam se da Srbi nece ponoviti istu gresku pa traziti svoj spas u sramni i degutantnu EU, koja je osudjena na propast u buducnost.

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